  • yey-yey My Photos photo 10823887


जब ऑनलाइन हों, सूचित करें
मॉडल को पिन करें
यह मॉडल है - ऑनलाइन ऑफलाइन
20, तुला, Colombia
टिप भेजें

Hi guys, I am new here, how is going everything?

yey-yey के महत्वपूर्ण विवरण
लिंग पुरुष
इसमें रुचि है महिलाएं, पुरुष, युगल, ट्रांस
उम्र 20
ऊंचाई 5'10" - 6" [175सेमी - 185सेमी]
वजन 160 - 180 lbs [70 - 80 किग्रा]
बाल काले बालों वाली
आखें भूरी
नृजातियता लातीनी/हिस्पैनिक
भाषाएँ स्पेनिश
जघन बाल बालों भरी
शिश्न बड़ा
मुझे क्या कामोत्तेजित करता है
Generosity in all aspects
मेरे बारे में
I'm excited to have the opportunity to share a little bit of myself with you. From the first moment you see me, you will notice my natural charm. But let me tell you, there is a lot more to it than that.

Yes, I am lucky to have eye-catching looks, but what really makes me special is my personality. I am someone you can easily connect with, someone you can have a deep conversation with or just share infectious laughter.

I love diving into all kinds of conversations, from the lightest to the deepest. I believe that true beauty is in the mind and soul, and I am here to show you that I can be as captivating on the inside as I am on the outside.
मैं वेबकैम पर क्या करूं:
काम के घंटे yey-yey
नवीनतम तस्वीरें (20) सभी को देखें
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